Sunday, 25 August 2013

How to search on Google (Very useful)

Among all the search engines Google is the fastest and most used search engine of modern era  , Now in this article I'm not going to explain why google is the fastest or how search engines work but i this article  I'm going to explain the different techniques to search on google probably 98% people don't know how to search on google.
Following are some of the techniques used to search on google like a pro.

1)Search in a specific website: 
We can use google to search in any specific website now for that go to google and type <Space> <The word or phrase we want to search> and hit enter.
the key in this search is Site: which will search all the pages of for the word or the phrase we want to search.
Now in the above picture we are searching the website WWE.COM for the phrase (Summer Slam 2013 Result)

2)Search for similar words:
Sometimes you really don't know anything about what you are looking for and you only have only one or two keywords and your search depends upon them.
In that situation your sole purpose is to use those keywords and find what you want but its very difficult to search using one keyword for that you can use " ~ " add ~ before the word and click search , Google will not only search the word after ~ but also the words similar/related to the word written after ~.
In this search google will also search for related words such as "Higher Education" , "Universities" , "Test Papers" , "Result" etc...

3)Exclude terms or a word from the phrase:
Certainly we are not searching for every word that is present in our search , There are some extra words that we use to explain google about the result we want or sometimes to complete the sentence.
To exclude any term from the search result we add minus sign before the word we want to exclude.
In this search result google will exclude two words payper and view because they have - sign before them. 

4) Search For Exact Same Phrase or Term:
Most of the time it is very very important for us to find the exact phrase we are searching for.
for that we will use " " and type our phrase/sentence inside " " and google will search for the exact same sentence/phrase.
For instance we are searching for a song and we only know one sentence of the song or two to three words in a sequence so we use this technique to search for our song.
Now google will search for the exact same words and hopefully we will get what we want in no time. 

5)Search within the desired time range:
This is very exciting and my favourite technique to search anything within the specific time range.
suppose we are looking for the test papers of "Federal Board" from 2006 - 2013
so we add two dots (..) between the time range.

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